Friday, 27 May 2011

Men: Dressing Smart Casual.

Two words. Smart and Casual. Who decided to put these two words together? Probably the most dreaded oxymoron relating to fashion that us guys hear. Men across the globe probably sit scratching their heads when the wife utters these two words to them. But not to worry, I'm armed with some simple tricks to keep you ready for these dinner parties or wherever the missus is taking you!

You'd deinitely rather go for dinner in a t-shirt and hoodie if you could, but it's just not acceptable... apparently. My suggestion is swap the t-shirt for a fitted linen shirt. By choosing linen,  the overall look is still casual as you've escaped the starched look; also as the weather is starting to warm up, linen is a light, breathable fabric so you'll keep cool.

Another trick is to swap your favourite jeans for some chinos. Chinos are a great way to smarten up an outfit but still give you the feeling of comfort. My suggestion for colour would be a stone colour as it's both on trend and classic. With a massive rise in espadrilles recently, swap your worn Converse for a pair of Toms. Toms have sky rocketed recently. Perhaps the fact they give a pair to a child who needs them for every pair they sell is increasing their sales.

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