Monday, 6 March 2017

GROOMING | Lip Fillers with Transform Cosmetic Surgery

I did it. I bit the bullet and had Juvederm temporary lip fillers at Transform Cosmetic Surgery's brand spanking new Cornhill Clinic at 39 Cornhill, London. Before I go into detail, I should say that this wasn't a rash decision: my thin upper lip has bugged me for years, so a lot of considerations were made before my appointment.

The swanky clinic has been beautifully renovated to include both consultation and procedure rooms on the premises, so any Londoners looking for a quick non-surgical procedure on their lunch break should definitely check this place out.

I'm not going to lie, I was pretty nervous about the procedure. Not that needles bother me, it was more the fact that I was having something injected into my face for the first time. However, as soon as I met with the patient adviser and doctor, I knew I was in safe and experienced hands.

After an in-depth conversation as to what would be happening, I then had a numbing cream smeared all over my lips - thank God - before the injections began. Once the cream had worked it's magic, my doctor removed and sanitised the area. The injections started on the right hand side of my lip and moved up towards the Cupid's bow. Just as a little FYI, the closer to the Cupid's bow, the more sensitive your lips are so the pain is a little worse. Once the doctor had finished with the right hand-side, I took a hand mirror to inspect the difference - so far so good. The same was then repeated on the left hand-side. I had four injections, each about 0.125ml in total.

Immediately after the procedure, and for the next 24 hours, my lips were slightly swollen and sore. However, this quickly subsided and I was left with only a couple of pinprick bruises. Four days after the procedure these had totally vanished.

As you can see from the after picture (left) my upper lip is now much fuller. Still natural, but definitely fuller. I'm really pleased with the results from just half a millilitre, £215, but for anyone who'd like a little more, it's £290 for a full millilitre.


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